Saturday, 28 April 2012

Put Me in a Box

When I decided to start a blog, I though about the kind of blog I wanted to write. Did I want to be a Mommy-blogger writing about my wonderful child and sharing adorable photos? Or a teacher-blogger sharing ideas, pedagogy, classroom layouts, and struggles with other teachers? Or a travel blogger writing about culture and airports and finding your place in the world? Maybe a life-blogger sharing how I survive a family of 3 in a tiny two-room apartment, or how we manage to live on only part of my paycheck, while putting all my husband's earnings and the rest of mine into savings? I could try my hand at a humor blog, though only my Dad laughs at my jokes.

I could write about any of those things. Or all of them. But I know if I tried that, this would end up being the most scatterbrained blog ever, and no one would ever be able to follow my crazy random thoughts. Each of those ideas shines through a part of myself, and I am a combination of all of them. But, what I have decided is to make the focus of my blog the thing that pulls all of the others together and holds me from falling apart every day. 

By faith, I parent my almost-3-year-old. By faith, I teach my class how to add, what evaporation means, and habits good readers follow. By faith, I have lived in and loved many countries and cultures, and had adventures in many unexpected places. By faith, I am living each day as it comes, while dreaming big, and waiting to see how God will grant me the desires of my heart as I learn to delight myself in Him more each day. And by faith I believe that God has a sense of humor, and through all our trials and failures and hard times, he helps us see the beauty and humor in dark and scary places. 

And so I have decided to share my faith, because in every area of my life, faith is what makes it meaningful and important.

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